Hard Drive

Hard Drives come in a wide array of types and sizes, and each one may suit a different persons needs. There are two different types on hard drives, standard hard disk drives, and solid state drives. Solid state drives are more advanced and offer much higher data transfer, but are greatly more expensive and also don’t support as large storage as standard hard drives. Both types of drive get the job done, it is all a matter of personal preference on which one you choose.

Solid State DriveStandard Hard Disk Drive



CPUs and GPUs

The CPU is essentially the brain of on the computer that does everything you want it to. CPUs process these tasks in cores, nearly all modern CPUs have multiple cores; meaning they can take on many billions of tasks at once. There is no doubt; the best CPU on the market to date is the Intel Core i7 Processor Extreme Edition. With its stunning 8 processing cores, no CPU to date surpasses its sheer power… that is, provided you have the 800 dollars to spend on it.

Intel Core i7 Extreme

GPUs have two main competing brands; ATI and Nvidia. Each of these brands has an expansive array of cards ranging from 20 dollars up to hundreds. The main measure of a GPU is its clock speed; the higher the better.  Choose your GPU according to what you want out of your computer. Many GPUs now have on board video memory that is also a key factor in assessing the quality of a specific GPU. Again, the higher the better, 512MB is typically sufficient.

Nvidia GeForce GTX 295

The Motherboard

If the CPU is the brain of the computer, then the motherboard is the body. The motherboard is what everything attaches to. There is a wide array of motherboards out there, each containing differing amounts of slots to attach devices, it is strictly personal preference on what motherboard you use, just be sure it is compatible with all your components and offers enough room for expansion if you feel as if you will need to upgrade.

Gigabyte Motherboard